Friday, February 28, 2014

Crazy Things

Hello Strangers.  It's been a while so let's rewind life back a couple of weeks.  We didn't have a lot of time for our Valentine's supper on heart shaped plates this year.  The girls just barely got their names written on some store bought Valentine's cards for school.  Valentine's Day had such big, exciting things happening that we barely paid attention to the little details that are usually such a big part of our daily joy.

Just like Charlie Brown says, "Valentine's Day makes you do crazy things."  In our world, airplanes, airport layovers, and warm sunny destinations are classified as crazy!

And what the girls' Nana and Papa had in those Mickey Mouse cards would put a smile on anyone's face! Stay tuned for more craziness.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Smurfday Party

About a month ago I asked Callie what she wanted to do for her birthday this year.  Did she want to go swimming or skating or sliding?  Do you want to have it at the library, the arcade, or rent a hall?

No, no, and no.  "Mom, I want my party at my home.  I just can't decide if I want a smurf party or a minion party."  Smurfs and minions are two of her favourite characters right now.   Neither choice is overly girly or full on boyish.  They are neutral, loveable, and they all have unique personalities...just like Callie.  Blue or yellow.  What would it be?

One day Callie drew a picture of a smurf and called her grandma on the phone.  "Grandma, I drew a picture of a smurf and I want you to make me a smurf cake for my birthday just like my picture." When she got off the phone she went across the road to the shop and put her picture on grandma's desk where she would find it in the morning.  After that, we started planning for blue.

On being seven...

You are getting so tall.  You love comfy clothes.  Graphic tees... long sleeved in the winter and short sleeved in the summer.  You wear two hair ponies high up, day in and day out.  Although we hardly ever see them anymore because you always have some kind of hat on your head. 

You like skating, piano and gymnastics.  You're are always cartwheeling, flipping and somersaulting around the house.  You have a great imagination and that's how you like to play...going on imaginary adventures, packing for imaginary hikes, planning imaginary camping trips, and putting on magic shows are just a few of your endeavours.  You like to play card games and checkers.  You love to write and illustrate books. Sometimes you try to sell your books at dad's shop... and dad buys them all.  You are always making something.  Taping, gluing, coloring.  Toilet paper rolls, wrapping paper, styrofoam cups.  All in the name of art.

You like toast with peanut butter cut in four with one slice of banana on top of each piece.  You always  have your water bottle full to the top.  You like Aero bars and Doritos.  Cheeseburger Happy Meals with no pickle.  Hot Chocolate with marshmallows.  Pancakes and waffles.  Perogies with sour cream.   Cucumbers and raw carrots dipped in ranch.  

You like to sleep in your own bed full of stuffies.  You like Fly Guy, Chester the Cat, and Berastein Bears books.  You are near done with Treehouse and have graduated to watching real people shows.  You like to rock out to the Kidz Bops on your iPod shuffle.  And after a long time, you have found a replacement for Jake.  Your doll, McKenna, has been your new best friend lately.  She loves to do all the same things as you!

You are smart.  You are kind and caring.  You are growing in confidence.  You are creative and unique. You like what you like and are not easily influenced.  The size of your world is expanding everyday.  You always like someone to be in the room with you.  You like to play hockey and baseball downstairs with your dad.  You play your piano and read your books to mom.  You love and take care of your sister.  You argue with her, you annoy her, you teach her,you help her, and often give in to her.  You are beautiful on the inside, on the outside, and upside down.
You are seven.

Happy Birthday to my big girl.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Yay! It's February! The Super Bowl cheerleaders are doing a happy dance for us right now.  January can be a tough month sometimes but things are all better now.  We flipped up the calendar and see that a seventh birthday party in the near future.  And after that, we have more happy, happy exiting things to shake our pom-poms at!  

But before any big parties or happy, happy exciting things, here's what's been going on around here...

...this years sliding hill hasn't seen as much action as it did last year.  The snow is too hard and the temperatures have been too cold.  The girls attempted to give it their best shot but quickly decided that they had better wait until their dad has some time to groom the trail.  

...our nightly routine of piano practice and home reading.  I can hardly believe how much her little brain can take in.  She is working on composing her own song and can't wait to play on her Nana's real piano.  On top of piano and reading Callie added a forward somersault with a front strattle to her growing list of things to practice.

...Lexi went to her first Kindergarten prep class last week.  I can't even let myself think about of how much little sister is growing up.  She aced her first day by being the line leader and leading the class down the hall of the school.

...we went to have a visit with great-grandma and the girls contributed some of their art to hang in her new room.  

...and Lexi shared her Tim Bits with grandma because Tim Bits make everyone happy, happy.
Have a happy, happy week everyone.  Don't forget to shake your pom-poms once or twice!