Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Kitchen Table

I just finished searching "painted kitchen tables" on Pinterest.  I would like this to be my house...maybe not so country-ish but I love all the color.

Here's the link to this cozy place.
I don't know why everything in my house is brown or beige. They just keeps sneaking their way in through the door.  Someday I might be adventurous and try painting our kitchen table. I never protect it with table cloths or place-mats anymore. It has scratches and divots and bumps and bruises from the last ten years of living.  A lot of life happens around the kitchen table.  And a lot of memories are made.  I don't want a new table.  I just want someone to come and paint the one I have! 

Here's what's been happening around our kitchen table lately...

Yesterday we turned the kitchen chairs around and looked out the window and saw that we had a some company.

We watched this little guy for at least an hour feasting on something just behind that cement wall.  He wasn't worried a single bit about having a painted kitchen table to make memories at!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Short Story

We were getting ready to leave for school the other day and Callie yelled, "come quick, mom!"  
She wanted me to see the morning sky.
I love that she notices these simple things of beauty.

She knew we had to move quick because a sky like that only lasts for a few minutes.
So we posed with le chat noir and then headed off to school.
It was a good day.
The End.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Warm & Fuzzy Thanksgiving

Callie and I had a little discussion last week about why we get to have an extra at home day this weekend.  I did my best to enlighten her seven year old mind about some of the things that we take for granted everyday and explained that Thanksgiving is a time when we can take a minute to think about and appreciate these things...which aren't actually things.  Things like our health and the health of our family, our peace and our freedoms and our love for our family and friends.  I figured I had prepared her well for when the school teacher sat them down to brainstorm their lists of what they were thankful for.  

When she brought her papers home on Friday, she had a pretty good list: 

Mother Nature pulled through and gave us an absolutely gorgeous, most perfect, beautiful weekend to count our blessings.  I had so many warm fuzzy moments.  The ones that just kinda creep up on you while you're just going about your day and they bring a wave of happiness and inner peace for no particular reason.  Like the moment when Jon and I were sitting on the deck Saturday morning, warm coffee in our hands, autumn sun beaming down on our faces, listening and watching the girls have a picnic snack on the trampoline...the warm fuzzy wave hit me.  Just an ordinary moment that I'm so thankful to have had. 

Moments like watching them play in the leaves and drive their Jeep around the yard brought more waves of warm fuzzies. And it makes me think about how that exact moment won't ever happen again. Which is a little sad but exciting at the same time.  It's exciting to think about what the future warm fuzzy moments will be.

The girls also had lots of warm fuzzy moments playing with their cousins...

And yes, these photos have a little hint of Christmas to them.  Traditions will be changing for the holidays this year and our snow birds will be flying south a little earlier than usual.  So Christmas came on Thanksgiving.  Just in case there weren't enough regular moments this weekend to bring waves of warm fuzzies, check out the smiles on these girls...

Oh, so much to be thankful for.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


We stopped all regular Sunday chores today and spent the afternoon making art instead.  The wind has been howling outside all day reminding us that winter is inevitably on it's way.  I have a feeling we will be trick or treating in snowsuits this year.  All the more reason to pour a coffee and light some pumpkin spice candles and get creative.  Funny thing, the girls actually made Christmas cards today.  Maybe the wind told them to start getting ready.

The seasons aren't the only thing changing around here.  We've been working some changes in the girls rooms, getting them ready for growing girls and their changing styles and preferences.  Pictures will come if I ever get all of the projects that I've started finished.  Right now, our sleeping arrangements are in limbo.  Callie is still fighting a barking cough that just won't let go.  And Lexi was as big girl as it gets on Saturday.   She went to her first birthday party without her big sister! This is a pretty big deal since Lexi has stayed home with mom many a times when Callie has headed off to a classmates party.  Little sister is spreading her wings, making friends of her own, packing her own lunch box, and dancing down main street!

I'm off now to get the winter jackets out.  Let's hope they fit and feel right in the morning.  It's going to be a chilly one.