And now my little cupcake is six years old.
What's it like being six...
This girl loves all things sweet.
Especially chocolate bars.
If she ever has any money to spend she asks to spend it all on chocolate.
She loves to dance and sing.
Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night" is one of her favorites.
She is always moving. Always wiggling. Non stop. Even in her sleep.
She is super friendly and outgoing. Always saying hi and including others.
She has beautiful manners. She's quick with her apologies.
She knows how to turn on the water works to get out of trouble.
She also says, "mama, you have the face of an angel" which may also get her some leeway in the consequence department.
This girl loves make up and nail polish.
Sparkly things and high heels, too.
Tank tops and skorts. Leggings and cardigans.
Lately she would prefer not to comb her hair but if forced she will choose one quick pony low down at the back.
She will play everything. She is easy going. Always willing to try. Is pretty much up for anything.
She loves hot dogs, Alpha Getti, and granola bars. Chocolate milk too.
She loves to watch movies. Sophia the First and Big Big Friends are still a couple of her favorite shows.
She swims, dances, and plays soccer.
She is going to try gymnastics and piano.
She says she wants to be a mom when she grows up. She doesn't know why. But she also says she might like to be a teacher because she can tell the students what to do.
She is always asking for a pet. Lately it's been a kitty cat that her heart desires.
She draws pictures of hearts, rainbows and sunshines.
She doesn't like to be alone. She likes to be close to her mama.
She loves to snuggle me. Kiss me. Hug me.
When she wakes up she comes looking for me.
She will come anywhere with me.
She is silly.
She is sweet,
She is funny.
She is smart.
She is starting grade one.
She is six.