We've made it through the first day and the first week of our new life. By new life, I mean new school year. This years transition has been pretty smooth besides the usual gripe about having to get up early and remembering to start the bedtime routine as soon as they walk in the door from school so that the whole song and dance of "I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm not tired, I need my bear, I need a story, I'm hungry again, Come lay with me..." can hopefully be wrapped up by 8:30.

Grade 3 for my big girl this year. She's a pro at this school thing but that doesn't stop her from still getting a nervous tummy. We've had a lot of chats this past week about the mind-body connection. About worries giving us a tummy ache. About positive thinking and happy thoughts. I'm surprised at how smart she is. She "gets" this stuff. But we finally both came to the conclusion that neither of us really like first days. We both want to hurry up and get the newness over with so that we can get on with knowing what to expect.
I love the look of all the perfect back to school outfits for kids that are advertised this time of year. Ads of kids all coordinated with matching backpacks and cute shoes. I would get such a rush if I could pick out the cutest little school outfits for my girls but I pretty much know it will never happen. Since at this point in time no one around here loves first days we try to approach it as nonchalantly as possible. They do have new clothes in their closets and appointments for fresh haircuts but they will be saved for a day that isn't already packed with newness like the first day of school.
Little sister started grade 1. That means a full day of learning and no day care drop off in the morning. She comes along with me and Callie in the morning and it's a good feeling having us all going in the same direction. Besides being a little confused if it's lunchtime or home time, Lexi rocked this grade 1 thing like she rocks most first things. She is cut from a little different cloth than her big sister. She hugs and kisses me and tells me "you can go now, mom". It may have been helpful that she has the same teacher as last year and all the same kids in her class. But generally speaking, as far as I can tell in her six years of life, she doesn't seem to get a nervous tummy like her sister.

With all those first day jitters, with the back packs full of new supplies and new school shoes. With summer feeling like it left forever ago being replaced with early bedtimes and buzzing alarm clocks. With all the newness of the first day, it sure feels good to show up at school and see the familiar faces of your good, good friends...
And photos on the second day of school...just because it was a much nicer morning than the first...
There has also been lots of new things for the mom this school year. The biggest change is that I am working less in my office at school and putting more time into my work at home. For the first time in 18 years I won't be working full time hours. It feels so, so good. I'm still adjusting and getting used to this new rhythm of only working the mornings but here are a few of the highlight...
1. Half the time at my school office means...
2. I can grocery shop in the afternoon with the seniors
3. I get to enjoy my back yard office on a beautiful fall afternoon
4. I get to see my girlies get off the school bus
5. I get the best of both worlds.
Happy Firsts Everyone. Glad ours are over for another year. Let's move on to knowing what to expect...aka routine.