Hmmmph. I had a whole blog post written here. I left and came back to my computer and all my hard typed words have disappeared. Now I'm tired and a little annoyed that my words were swallowed up by the internet monster who sits back and laughs at those of us who don't save our work.
So now you get the shortened and revised version.
1. Since my camera has been broken, I haven't been taking as many pictures as I once did but that doesn't mean I wasn't aware of the trees doing their "bursting" thing earlier this month. I love this time of year. Everything's coming alive. Even the worms. But I don't love the worms.
2. Some of our activities have wrapped up giving us a little free time to hang in the back yard. The trees may have burst with luscious greenery but unfortunately, there's no hope for our lawn. I guess the bright side is there's nothing to mow!
3. A few photos from a while back... little sister's dance class has wrapped up for the year. She was the E in CHEER as she danced and shook her pom poms to Cheerleader. I'm always so impressed with how brave she is to perform in front of so many people. As soon as her recital was over she announced that she can't wait to dance again next year.
Callie might not be playing soccer this year but she comes to every game with her homemade sign and cheers for her sister's team. Tomorrow is June 1st and that means we're rolling downhill towards summer vaycay! The hill is steep and we'll be rolling fast. Lots of great things happening. Good thing the days are getting longer. We've got lots to accomplish in the next 30 days. And the first thing on my list is sleep. Good Night.