January is made up of mostly inbetween days. The nothing special kinda days that when I sit down to write about the weeks events I realize it was full of your regular everyday things.
Take this morning for example. Around five am Callie comes wandering into our room and begins complaining to her dad that she can't sleep because she is all sticky. I hear this in my half conscious state and am relieved when Jon gets up to investigate. I can hear them in the bathroom, water is running , Callie is washing off the stickiness. Then...CRASH! Jon knocks a candle off the ledge and it shatters on the tile floor. Callie runs for cover in bed with me while Jon sweeps up shards of glass and wax.
A few hours later Callie is standing beside my bed saying, "moooom, get up, my hair is all sticky." Jon has already left for work so I am left to get to the bottom of this sticky situation. As it turns out, Callie had her bedtime snack in her bed last night. And the snack just happened to be a strawberry Nurtigrain bar that didn't get eaten before she fell asleep.
So, even before the sun was high enough to create daylight, I had plucked gooey, strawberry bar from Callie's massive bedhead of curls, soaked her in the tub to rid her of all possible stickiness, washed her bedding and finally gave the bathroom floor a once over ensuring there was no remaining bits of glass to be stepped on by little bare feet.
Like I said... just your regular, everyday, January things.
Here's a few more of this weeks everyday things...
The numbers in my rear view mirror were pretty much the same every morning this week. Painfully cold even before we calculated for the windchill...
My new favorite socks. Hand-spun, hand-dyed, and hand-knit. Not by me of course. If this amazingly talented lady had a website I would link to it...
The standard January fruit selection...

The citrus smell of the sliced oranges is like aromatherapy. And they are actually quite delicious and juicy for this time of year...
Dry skin, chapped cheeks and lips. A constant battle...
Look out Grandma and Papa. Someone can dial numbers...
And anyone who has called our house in the last month has heard Lexi's pleas in the background... "me talk, me talk!". And the first thing she says to whoever is on the other end..."you come my house?" The last thing she does is push a bunch of buttons...
After bath playtime. Wet hair. Cozy Jammies...
Nothing overly special. Just appreciating the little everyday things today.
1 comment:
Love when people appreciate the little everyday things. cause afterall, that's what we have the most of!!
Love those socks too!
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