Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Belated Mother's Day

For Mother's Day, my girls and I travelled with my parents to visit my grandparents.  And since my last visit, grandma has yet another new pad.  Her new apartment has all the same grandma things... horses in the window, beautiful handmade quilts on the bed, bread making bowl hanging in the storage room... but this apartment is just a little more roomy.  

What truly makes this apartment superior tograndma's last one is that this apartment comes blessed with it's own guardian angel.  An anonymous angel who leaves thoughtful notes and little trinkets for her.  This angel bestows small, random acts of kindness on my grandma who has devoted her life to the caring and nurturing of our large family.  I can not think of a more well suited person to have their very own angel friend than my grandma.

Our weekend had nothing on its agenda other than catching up and visiting and letting my girls get to know their great-grandparents simply by being in their presence, taking walks in their neighbourhood, offering the ultimate Mother's Day bouquets of dandelions, and indulging in great-grandma's cookies...even for breakfast.

These weekends are precious.  Because all that was learned.  All that was taught.  All that was absorbed about the importance of family can never truly be put into words.  The love and traditions from multiple generations simply flows into my girls by osmosis.  Getting everything they need just by being present.

Happy belated Mother's Day.

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