Hello sunshine. It's nice to see you. It's been a long time.
Birthday party treat bags. At the Park. In the sunshine. Does life get any better?
Sweet little sistah is in desperate need of a haircut.
Caillou's had his first outdoor bath.
Pirate ship is full of water. I can hardly believe how tall big sister got over the winter. The ship looks small next to her.
Tattoos from hell. Will they ever wash off?
Petting zoo is officially open for the season. The girls refer to all babies as "born babies" leaving off the "new" part. We fell in love with this born baby.
This will likely be the first of several visits to the zoo this summer.
There was a lot of baaaaaaaing going on.
Callie finally agreed to wear shorts but she can't yet part with her socks.
Lexi is still refusing to put shorts on. All in good time.
Hello animals.
Watermelon on the deck.
My beautiful big girl can't wait to help me plant and paint and get the yard ready for summer va-cay.
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