Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fa, la, la...

The Christmas spirit has embraced our house.  And it may be a coincidence that it showed up on my last day of work or it may not but the release from that extra duty softens everyone's mood.  We have been on the Christmas concert circuit this past week.  And yes, we were those parents, the ones who arrived two hours early to get a front row seat for Callie's  kindergarten singing début  She was brave.  There were A LOT of people in the audience and today I asked her if she was scared or nervous and she said, "no".  She told me that she liked being on stage singing. 

Prechool concert.  Can you you spot both my little singers?
Our visit from Santa looked the same this year as it has every year.  Me with two girls hanging on tight.  Neither girl will talk to the big guy so I end up telling him what they want for Christmas.  But they both have no problem taking the gift that he offers up.

And just when I had written off all interaction with the Big Guy a call goes out for all kids at the party to gather around for a picture with Santa.  And look who crawls right up on his knee as though that spot was reserved just for her...

Little sister may have had a brave moment but Callie still stands as far away as possible.
The Chirstmas spirit is calling me.  Telling me to get off the computer and watch Christmas movies, make gingerbread houses, wrap gifts, and crank up the Yuletide fireplace on the TV.

I'll leave you with our cookie making experience...

And a reindeer food making pyjama party with friends...

Fa,la, la, la, la, la,la. la. la.

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