Ten months ago, Callie and I walked across the school yard for her first day of Kindergarten. That playground that was so intimidating with four hundred kids running and shrieking isn't so scary anymore. I always know exactly where to look for her in the sea of school children. My girl has a handful of blisters and calluses which suggests she spends a fair bit of time swinging on the monkey bars.
A year ago, Jon and I had to make a decision about where Callie would go to school. At the time it felt like the most important decision we've ever had to make. We were worried about making a wrong choice and screwing everything up for her at five years old. What if she doesn't like school, what if she doesn't fit in, what if she struggles with learning, what if she's not a good listener, what if I didn't read to her enough, what if I didn't prepare her enough, what if, what if, what if....
We choose to enroll Callie in the French Immersion Program. That means her entire day was instructed in French. Since neither Jon nor I speak French beyond translating the odd cereal box, I think our apprehensiveness was justified. Our evenings were spent learning and pronouncing vocabulary, counting en francais, and watching French cartoons. I know very little about second language learning but I will say that it is pretty neat to see our little sponge soaking it all up.
Despite all our worrying, our hesitations, and our apprehensiveness, I'd say things turned out pretty good. Big sister basically rocked this Kindergarten thing...
Of course it helped that Callie had an amazing teacher who she loved. Madame is the kind of person who genuinely loves kids... even other people's kids. I'm a firm believer of the idea that people rarely remember what you say but they never forget how you made them feel. How lucky we are that Callie felt loved and safe, listened to and taken care of. She felt special, as if Madame had chosen her to be in her class. Merci Madame for easing our worries and what ifs.
I have to give a shout out to my friend, colleague and music teacher extraordinare, Mrs. Smith. This girl was adamant that she wasn't going to take music lessons next year. But as of lately, she's been drawing these ta's and ti ti's and Mr. Squigglypants everywhere.
The boot room is still loud but there are no more tears, just friends and smiling faces...
Outstanding Academic Achievement winners get pick their celebratory lunch!
I know it's just Kindergarten, it's not even mandatory to attend in our province, but we are so proud of our girl. Yesterday was Grad night in our town and I'm scared I'm going to blink and it will be her blond curls under that cap and gown. We are all looking forward to slowing down the pace around here. With school all wrapped up it's time to bring on summer. We will start checking things off our summer to-do list first thing tomorrow. Good Nighty.
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