It feels like we are swimming in "stuff" in our house these days. I have been mentally preparing to do the Great Closet Sort for the last couple of weeks. You know the drill. Weeding out the girls clothes. Packing away summer shorts and too small jammies. Moving shirts from Callie's closet to Lexi's because it's not worth putting them in a box anymore. Making room for sweaters and long sleeves and all that good stuff.
And one of these days, when little eyes aren't so observant, loads of "stuff" will mysteriously disappear and be passed along to someone who has more PAX storage systems and TROFAST toy bins than we do.
These little organizational chores did not get done this weekend. They were definitely thought about. But the sun was shining and the park was calling us. And the we don't have many of these days left thought trumped the we should get this place organized thought hands down.
There will be a time for closet sorting and toy removal. Someday soon. As for today, we took our homework outside, rode bikes, wrote stories and all that kinda stuff.
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