Well, we are six days deep into the chocolates in the advent calendar and the holiday cheer is gently simmering in all of us. In case I haven't told you, I love twinkling lights, flickering candles, cozy jammies and the spirit of Christmas that takes over our souls this time of year.
The Christmas movies are out in full force. Charlie Brown is one of our favorites. It is so funny with humor that they just don't make for kids shows anymore. Callie had to ask, "mom, what is sarcasm?" Nope, you just don't hear words like "get rid of that stupid blanket, you're an absolute mess- just look at yourself, You're hopeless Charlie Brouwn" on Treehouse these days. But I figured since I watched it as a kid and turned out okay, I'm sure my children will survive too.
Decorations are out and new cozy jammies are on the little bodies. Callie remembers everything this year...and is excited to get on with our traditions...maps in the advent calendar, cookies and gingerbread houses, Christmas Eve games, friends pyjama night, reindeer food making, yuletide fireplaces on the TV, Hark the Herald on repeat... she adds fuel to her mama's Christmas spirit.
I wanted to end this post full of holiday love with this picture of my two perfect little elves...
But we all know life isn't always picture perfect no matter how high we are on Christmas cheer and eggnog! So here are the outtakes...

Just keepin' it real this holiday season. Getting done what I can. Forgetting the rest. Loving my family. Making our memories. "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."
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