Well, I've eaten all the licorice, Callie's taken care of the Mars Bars, and Lexi isn't fussy as long as it's covered in chocolate. I'd have to say trick or treating was a success.
The girls had decided on their costumes early on and there was no mind changing at the last minute. Callie had flipped back and forth between a wizard or a magician in the beginning but she quickly settled on a magician when we found the hat and cape at Walmart. It was the perfect costume for her. It had a hat and the rest of it was comfortable, pretty much her only criteria.
Lexi scrolled through costumes online a few times and every time she saw a butterfly she said, "that's what I want!" How could I argue with a girl who knows what she likes. Yes, she was a butterfly a few years ago and yes, she had a butterfly birthday party when she was five. What can I say, sister just likes butterflies.
What about Ozzy you ask? I don't think he was overly impressed with his cow costume. It was a little snug around his belly. A few too many bacon treats maybe?

No matter what costume gets chosen, a Canadian Halloween means covering it with a winter jacket or stuffing one underneath. We were spared the snow this year. Instead, we got rained on but even a little rain couldn't slow these girls down!
We hooked up with some friends to make gathering treats even better. We treated for about an hour and then took a rest, dumped our bags and then went out again! Nobody tripped, nobody cried, nobody complained! It was all fun and treats. And now we're done for another year. All that's left is bags of candy to eat and empty wrappers to hide!
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