Monday, May 23, 2011

May Long

Decisions.  Clean out my closet or fold laundry or wipe the spill that I can see trickling down the living room wall.  Or write a blog post.  And the winner is...

May long weekend is the unofficial kick off to summer in the north.  Campground gates are unlocked, fishing season begins, greenhouses are open for business... and we did none of these things!  Never-the-less, we still had a great weekend at home. 

The unusually warm, summer-like weather we were privileged to have this weekend allowed for this first of the season...

...morning coffee on the deck, in my jammies.  And coffee on the deck led to breakfast on the deck.  French toast and sausages cooked outside on the BBQ.  The smell of breakfast cooking outside, coffee in my hand, sun shining, girls playing... it felt like we were camping just without the lingering smell of the campfire. 

A few unexpected guests for our first breakfast on the deck.

Speaking of smells, the girls were lubed up with Coppertone Water Babies sunscreen and that scent alone screams "It's beach time, sista's!"  Well, maybe not quite beach time yet as the ice that has covered the lakes for the last six months has only succumb to the sun's heat in the last week.  Maybe not beach time yet... but we know it's coming. 

There were many firsts for this first weekend of summer.  Lexi has gotten her first skinned knees, her first try on the big girl swing and her first attempt at how long she can last past her regular nap time... just as a  little experiment to see how we can spend our upcoming lazy summer days since coming home for an afternoon nap may cut into our beach time.

We didn't go to the beach this weekend but that didn't stop sandcastles from being built in the sandbox...

And it didn't stop us from pretending we were at the lake...

These pictures were taken at a large puddle in the parking lot across the road...not an actual lake shore.
Summer is coming.  And with summer comes late nights and unstructured days.  Sunburns and mosquito bites.  Campfires and hot dogs.  Parks and ice cream cones.  BBQ's and slushy drinks.  Family and friends.  Vacation.  The anticipation is killing me!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay for the upcoming arrival of summertime!!

Coffee and breakfast out on the deck sounds like the perfect way to start any day :)

Oh, and your toenail polish is pretty!