Saturday, November 12, 2011

First Snow

We did not go ahead with our weekend road trip plans and my feelings about this are double-dipped.  I am so sad not to be here getting my fix of baby love and enjoying my glass of wine with my dear friend...but on the other hand, watching the the heavy, wet snowflakes falling to the ground from the comfort of my couch, in my red fleece jammies, could not have been more perfect. 

The sky had been warning us all week that it had something in store for us.  And although I wish I could beam myself to my friend's cozy country home, I would much rather be watching the flakes settle in through my kitchen window than through the truck window where I am positive those flakes would not have appeared as beautiful and peaceful from behind the wheel with my hands tightly gripped at ten and two. 

We have had our first real snowfall...not a little frost, not a little freezing rain or a little sleet that melts in the afternoon sun...the first snow that will stay put for the next six months.  If I didn't have a four and two year old, this day would likely have conjured up some ugly thoughts such as winter driving, wind chills, and flu season.

I will be forever grateful for my girls.  Because through the eyes of a child the first snow of the season is greeted with uncontainable enthusiasm, with pure joy and excitement that makes it nearly impossible for ugly thoughts to surface because for them... they only see the good.    

What we know about feelings is that they are contagious.  And I allowed myself to catch their vibe... 

"Do you want to make footprints in the snow?  Ya, I know you're in your jammies and it's almost bedtime.  What do you think?"

Hearing their laughter and their shrills and seeing the smiles on their faces and their joy for life pushed away any ugly thoughts one could have about the snow that was blanketing the earth.

And the next morning, the first words from their mouths...

"Mom, can we do it again?"

Why not.

And I know that there will be a lot of this to come...

But it can be balanced with some of this...

And I know those ugly thoughts will surface eventually because six months for a single season is completely disproportionate for a one year cycle.  But for today, I will see it though the eyes of my girls.

Happy first snow.

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