So I just sat down to my computer and noticed that some little fingers have been pushing buttons and managed to publish this post I've been working on without any words written. So now I will replace the unwritten post with this one...
It's been a long week. And this is the evidence...
It started with some whimpering and wanting to be held all the time. Then she stopped eating and demanding more milk. Next came the fever and sleepless nights. And finally, a trip to the doctors office to learn about red, inflamed and infected tonsils. Lexi is on the mend today thanks to some antibiotics and a continuous run of ibuprofen.
We don't usually wish time away... except when we are sick. Then the days can't go fast enough.
Today we have a busy agenda. Complete with shopping, housework, a birthday party, and some extra TLC for Lexi. Jon is out of town so it's just the girls this weekend.
I will be brief...
Taking care of baby dolls has resurfaced as the thing to do this week.
Hair cuts for the girls are marked on the calendar...
The art continues. This is Friend Bear...

Callie is still in love with skating.
Her and her friend are a different as night and day...
A figure skater whose mission is to not fall down.
A hockey player whose only goal is to be the fastest.
But they both love it the same.
She spends a lot of time here...
The price you pay for being fast, I guess.
So like I said, brief.
I must get our girls weekend started.
Publish Post.
1 comment:
Love the skating pics... too true! Hopefully their differences will balance each other out, that or they'll only be friends because their moms are friends! lol
glad to see Lexi on the mend today:)
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