Thursday, June 30, 2016

Favorite Day

June 30th has been my favorite day of the year for the past 15 years.  I'm always telling my girls how lucky they are that they don't have to go to day care or have babysitters or go to camp all summer. Those lucky ducks get to spend the whole summer with their mama.  Just before that last school bell rings and the girls run off to collect their report cards and say au revoir to their teachers, I make them pose for a picture with me.  

The end of the school year is filled with all kinds of emotions.  The girls received some recognition awards at the year end assembly and I was there with my proud mama flag waving as usual.  Of course, like most moms, I'm proud of my girls even without an award.  I'm proud because school is hard.  It's hard for little bodies that weren't designed to be still, to sit all day.  It's hard for little minds full of curiosity to stay quiet.  It's hard to be motivated everyday to meet other peoples goals and expectations.  It's hard to navigate constant social interaction, to tolerate and accept hundreds of personalities, block out distractions and stay focused on the task, constantly trying to make the right choice and doing it all with a positive attitude.  All this and being expected to learn.  So yes, I'm proud and humbled at all the things these little people are capable of. 

There is a huge sense of relief and excitement that comes at the end of June.  All our formal activities and commitments are wrapped up.  I don't have to pack lunches.  We all get to read whatever books we want to!  We get to stay up late and sleep in!  We have the whole summer in front of us.

June was a good month.  It had Father's Day and my birthday to celebrate.  I'm so glad that Facebook cares about me and my memories because whenever one of those memories pops up in my newsfeed I get the warm fuzzies.

Yes, June was a good month but now its time to get this summer thing started!  Woot Woot!

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