Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Fun

This past week has been crazy busy with tons of fun things to do.  My girls have been riding a wave... "what are we going to do next, mom?"  It all started with a carnival night at the school.  Instead of going home for supper after day care I took the girls to the carnival and this change in routine alone was like they won the lottery!

Callie and Lexi watched intently as their friends got their faces painted by the school kids.  And I have a feeling that this will be the last time Callie will stand back and watch this she was on the verge of jumping in and venturing into new territory.  She says, "maybe next time, mom."  I love her.


We celebrated Canada Day at our friends 3rd Annual Canada Day Picnic. It sounds so official... this annual gathering of friends who get together to watch a parade and show our national pride by waving flags and collecting candy thrown from the parade floats.  But this simple act, that has turned into a tradition, has us looking forward to July 1st each year with its mounds of pulled pork, a pot-luck of salads, and desserts that often drip onto the shirts of babies and adults.  And since July 1st is always the first day of summer vacation spirits are high and the laughter seems louder than usual.


The fun continued with our town's festival days.  Groups of volunteers graciously organized activities and events all over our town.  We went to watch Beat the Chief at the local fire department.  The firemen raced through an obstacle course each trying to get the best time... but the highlight was definitely the kids event.  The kids get suited up in fire gear and run through a tunnel to rescue a dog then they have to get the hose and spray a bucket off a table.  It was fun to watch the mini firefighters.  Yes, I said watch, as Callie stood close-by cheering on her friends but was not even close to volunteering for a turn to save the puppy.

 On the other hand... Callie has been playing firefighter ever since we witnessed this event.  She suits up in her raincoat, plastic fire fighter hat, and she's been using Jon's belt as the hose.  And tonight I heard her declare, "Mom, your toddler is on fire!" Yikes! Where's Lexi?

Lexi's first try at the Bouncy House...just a little unsure.

Today we did what everybody does when it 30 above in the summer time.  We inflated the blow-up kiddie pool.  No summer would be complete without a blow-up pool in the backyard.  Unfortunately, ours did not survive the winter and is currently partially deflated and full of water looking very sad on the back patio.  So when Nana called this afternoon to see if we wanted to join them at the lake for the day... we jumped. 

And what a most perfect day.  Cool water. A boat ride.  Our family of four being pulled behind the boat on a three seater lounger.  Lexi loved it at first...squealing weeeeee!  But then she tried to jump off. 

Oh, and of course, a blow-up pool without any leaks.

Keep riding the wave!

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