Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It's That Time of Year

The backpack is loaded with neatly labelled school supplies, new shoes, and recess snacks.  It is sitting by the door just waiting for it's first day of Grade 1 tomorrow.  

It was Curious George who tucked my big girl into bed tonight...

Today Callie told us that her and her friend decided that they were feeling both excited and nervous, "both at the same time, mom!" - about starting school tomorrow.  Don't you just know exactly what she's talking about?

And Lexi, well, we've been preparing her for a while about the upcoming changes.  She is preparing for days at a new day care without the security of her big sister and she will be heading off to preschool without her bestest bud who graduated to kindergarten this year.  My heart aches for her even though logically I know it will all be okay.  

It's that time of year.  Back to schedules and routines.  Back to work and early mornings.  I know it's cliché to say that time goes so fast but didn't this summer seem especially quick?  Good bye summer holidays, can't wait until we meet again.  And here's to hoping for smooth and easy transitions for everyone tomorrow. Good Night.

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