Imagine back when having your photo taken was an event. Way back when the photographer hid under a black cloth all mysterious like and the people wore their very best attire and had stoic looks on their faces. Only the wealthiest of people had portraits taken and the pictures did very little to show who they were as mothers, fathers or children. I have some old photos of great-great grandparents and when I look at them I wonder what they were like,what were their hopes and dreams, how did they spend their days...likely not in those starched, high collared ruffled shirts and tailored suits that they wore in the photographs.
All I can say is,
"We've come a long way baby."
Today...just random pictures of life. Photos of the
inbetween days that, when all strung together, make up our life's story.
The Big Brush
Callie is definitely in charge of the teeth brushing. She gets Lexi all set up and teaches her how to brush.
Also, I am slowly recovering from my "dressing them the same" is the most difficult addiction in -the mom's with two girls- category!
The Barefoot Barbeque
We got the ole barby out of the garage and had our first grilled T-bone of the season.
Grandma and Papa
It's always a good day when Grandma and Papa come for a visit. |
It's The Small Things
A million little pieces...that is what playmobil is and my girls love it. This was Lexi's first time getting to meet the playmobil family since she is getting better at not eating them for snacks. We hardly have to fish anything out of her mouth anymore...yay!
The Artist
Van Gogh, Picasso...Callie? Her people drawings have been improving steadily. I love how she's added fingers and a belly button. |
Budding Artist
Lexi loves markers and coloring too just like her big sister. Funny how Callie never even had markers at Lexi's age.
It is very hard work making that big of a mess. Good night. |
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